this was something from a few years ago just laying around in drafts...not sure why i forgot to post it.
I currently have 14145 songs in my itunes folder. I randomly update my ipod every few days....the last 5 songs I’ve listened to while playing on random:
5. The Beatles...A Hard Day’s Night: That opening chord, F or G, lets you know right from the start what it is. Great vocal by Lennon. My 3 year old son has been singing this song with me at night time because I don;t know that many kids songs. So I started singing this somewhere around Thanksgiving 07 at bed time and he picked the entire thing up within a week or so. Now, when it comes on over the stereo, he sings along. The song has taken on a new meaning for me with that. Everytime I hear it without him, I think of him.10/10
5. The Beatles...A Hard Day’s Night: That opening chord, F or G, lets you know right from the start what it is. Great vocal by Lennon. My 3 year old son has been singing this song with me at night time because I don;t know that many kids songs. So I started singing this somewhere around Thanksgiving 07 at bed time and he picked the entire thing up within a week or so. Now, when it comes on over the stereo, he sings along. The song has taken on a new meaning for me with that. Everytime I hear it without him, I think of him.10/10
4. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers...Breakdown. Good ol’ Tom played the Superbowl this year. Tom kicks ass. He knows how to write a hit. This is one in a string of a couple of dozen great tracks by these guys. Great guitar, keyboards, and back up vocal harmonies on this one. When he opened up the Superbowl show with American Girl, I was stoked. That’s my favorite all time Tom Petty song, no matter how much my friends Becky and Jeremy make fun of me for being old and even knowing that song. They can bite my ass! 8/10
Pearl Jam...Once: The song kicks off their debut, Ten. Nice mellow Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight" thing going on to start it. Then the distorted guitar kicks in, drums and bass follow and the rest of the song kicks ass from there. I got lucky enough to see these guy open up for the Chili Peppers back in 91 or 92. It was in the fall, not long after Ten made its debut. I didn;t have it yet, nor did anyone I knew. I did have the Mother Love Bone disc and was a bit ambivalent about it. These guys played for about 35-40 minutes with intensity. Everything they had was being poured out on the stage and it showed. Looking back, I was there to see the Peppers, but these guys made much more of an impression that night. Eddie did his signature (at that time) stage dive that night into a crowd of about 15,000 and surfed out to the soundboard and back. The chili peppers show is on youtube now (check out this link) you get a sense that John isn;t giving a fuck about playing and things are already starting to unravel. The show was pretty damn good, but in hindsight, Pearl Jam was the band to be seen and I bought Ten the following day. 10/10
2. Rancid...Liecester Square: Now here’s a band I haven;’t seen and desperately want to. This is a great song to listen to with headphones to get the brilliance of it. It starts out with some really strong vocals by Lars and a single guitar. Drums, bass, guitar 2 and some great work on the toggle switch (ie. the headphones)...nice chorus, handclaps...the arrangement of this song is absolute genius. Matt Freeman’s bass is a bit slower than usual and he still manages to run up and down the neck...There’s a bare simplicity to the song, but just enough there to really shine. One of their best! 10/10
1. Pink Floyd...An Colour You Like: This is off Dark Side of the Moon. Great spacey bug out music. Song is carried nicely along by the bassline and kick drum, snare. Alien Keyboards...About a minute in the guitar starts up a little conversation...I wonder if this is where Steve Vai got the idea to try and make his guitar talk in the 80s...the sound patterns of the guitars sound exactly like conversation. Again, this is one of those songs I’ve heard a million times and until I really listened, I never noticed the sound signatures laid down on the track. 7/10
** this is definitely the best 5 songs I;ve had grouped together since I;ve started this jackass experiment.
2. Rancid...Liecester Square: Now here’s a band I haven;’t seen and desperately want to. This is a great song to listen to with headphones to get the brilliance of it. It starts out with some really strong vocals by Lars and a single guitar. Drums, bass, guitar 2 and some great work on the toggle switch (ie. the headphones)...nice chorus, handclaps...the arrangement of this song is absolute genius. Matt Freeman’s bass is a bit slower than usual and he still manages to run up and down the neck...There’s a bare simplicity to the song, but just enough there to really shine. One of their best! 10/10
1. Pink Floyd...An Colour You Like: This is off Dark Side of the Moon. Great spacey bug out music. Song is carried nicely along by the bassline and kick drum, snare. Alien Keyboards...About a minute in the guitar starts up a little conversation...I wonder if this is where Steve Vai got the idea to try and make his guitar talk in the 80s...the sound patterns of the guitars sound exactly like conversation. Again, this is one of those songs I’ve heard a million times and until I really listened, I never noticed the sound signatures laid down on the track. 7/10
** this is definitely the best 5 songs I;ve had grouped together since I;ve started this jackass experiment.