Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Objection to the Superintendant's Objections

Context:  After a year of negotiations the Teachers' UNION delcared IMPASSE with a school district unwilling to work with and compromise with the professionals doing the daily work in the classrooms with the children of Clay County.  A special magistrate was called upon to intercede and foster compromise.  The superintendent of Clay County refused to accept the magistrate's judgement based upon the following: 

1     1.            “The threshold to receive an effective rating is a 60% on the evaluation system which is an artificially low standard established by the Clay Assessment Committee of which union representatives constitute the majority. 

The problem with his analysis here is that the 60% percent is not an artificially low number.  It is feasible to rate ineffective teacher below this number.  In fact, union representatives have approached school administrators in the past and expressed concern regarding working conditions because of an excess of walk through observations, both informal and formal, for teachers who continually produce results, supported by test scores, classroom data, and prior evaluations.  In addition to myriad other obligations, quality teachers were feeling overburdened, undervalued, and unappreciated. They felt as if they were being watched over as a parent with a child and morale was low.  When administration was approached regarding the issue, union leaders suggested that quality teachers be observed less frequently so bad teachers could be focused on, given due process, and dismissed if necessary.  Administration response was to claim the observation document was too verbose and complicated and they didn’t know how to utilize it effectively to run bad teachers out.  In other words, it was too hard for administration to identify bad teachers and help them improve, as Superintendant Van Zant claims is the purpose of the evaluation document.  Continuing with this line of thinking, it would also be even harder to establish a teacher’s faults and prove them following the protocol of due process.  Essentially, the Clay Assessment system isn’t artificially low, the ability of county hired administration isn’t capable of doing the specific job they are tasked with in this regard. 

Secondly, to blame the weakness of the evaluation document on a committee “of which union representatives constitute the majority” is a not only a boldfaced lie but also a loaded statement with a political agenda.  The union is NOT a majority on this committee.

 Furthermore, the teachers on this committee are likely to earn an average of about $45,000 annually and are tasked with planning, teaching, and grading daily lessons.  The majority of this committee is made up of principals who make close to six figures if not over 100,000 per year to not only supervise but also utilize said evaluation document.   In addition, the committee is led by the top ranking administrators in the district other than the superintendant.  These committee members are getting paid in excess of 100,000 dollars per year and are tasked directly with evaluation. If they can’t manage to lead a committee that creates an evaluation system that does not have “an artificially low standard” then there are some serious questions to be asked.  The logic does not follow.  The superintendant can’t have it both ways, either the document is flawed because his appointed staff is unable to do better or his refutation of the assessment system is unacceptable. 

2     2.     “…each annual contract would automatically renew if the teacher receives an effective or highly effect rating for three years.  Such automatic renewals clearly go against the intent of Florida Statutes…”

This is simply not true, 27 of Florida counties already have this in place and there has been no attempt by the state to go after districts for willfully breaking the law.  Van Zant goes on to say that the legislature “deliberately removed PSC language with intent to limit teachers’ entitlement to continuous automatic employment.”  First of all, the word entitlement seems insulting and intentionally provocative.  The right to have a secure job and steady means of income to those who consistently receive high evaluations and work “miracles” with groups of children most adults would flee from after only minutes in charge is not an entitlement.  It’s been earned.  Going back to point #1, it’s not continuous automatic employment to keep a job that’s been earn and is consistently done with success and diligence.  If Clay County is an “A” district, then the teachers who have done the work have earned the right to keep continual employment.  Teachers don’t need to manipulate election laws to secure employment. 

A side note, but one worthy of mentioning here, is that teachers on annual contracts don’t speak up, fight back, or shout down bad ideas.  They go along.  And when you go along with a bad idea, you are doing a disservice to the students and local populace.  Job security is a must if you are to do your job well, because dissent can prevent failures from occurring before they happen.  And just maybe, people who want to keep people on edge and afraid might have some bad intentions that they don’t want brought to light. 

3 3.      “The anecdotal evidence the special magistrate referenced in support of his recommendation on this issue related to the Teacher of the Year that moved to Alachua county is arbitrary, at best.  While no one except that teacher can cite the rationale for his leaving, the School District notes that renewal in a “PSC-like” fashion as the union has proposed would effectively negate what the Florida Legislature intended in 2011.”

First of all, the teacher of the year, David Fields, has specifically stated at a school board meeting is that he feels that Alachua County can better provide job security because they offer these protections to their teachers.  When deciding between Alachua and Clay, Dave and his wife Kendra felt that Alachua was a far safer district to work because of these protections.  If she came to Clay, rather than him going there, they did not feel confident that she could maintain employment in a district that doesn’t value nor respect its professionals.
Secondly, to ensure that the Teacher of the Year in the current school year doesn’t prove to be a liability for the political careers of the Superintendant and certain members of the board, the process for selection and determination of the recipient has been changed. 

4   4.     “In this regard, the School District believes that the Florida Department of Education protocols require that follow-up documentation should occur after implementation in cases in which the teacher is to use a new skill or strategy as part of the ins-service training.  It only makes sense that the effectiveness of the strategy can only be measured after it is implemented. “

Logistically, there are so many things wrong with this statement.  If it “only makes sense that the effectiveness “ of anything “ can only be measured after it is implemented” then all bad ideas would have to be put into practice.  Telling my 11 year old son not to jump his bicycle over a pit of hungry alligators before actually attempting it is not ludicrous.  Implementation isn’t always the path to determining impotence.    

Furthermore, to say teachers must implement a strategy in order to be awarded the points for recertification (125 hours every 5 years plus a non-reimbursed fee approaching $100) is insulting and detrimental.  If a college educated, experienced, classroom professional determines that a day-long mandatory in-service training is hooey, they should be awarded credit for time served.  What’s the reason for making them implement a bad idea that will just subtract another day of instruction? Competent people can smell manure when thrown in their ugly mugs, there’s no need to feed it to the kids just to make sure. 

5  5.       “The School District …has had difficulties in recruiting individuals in hard to fill positions, such as speech. 

This is an absurd connection.  There is one reason why speech THERAPISTS do not take jobs in the county.   Salary.  In the private sector, there is more money to be made.  Significantly more money.  Furthermore, occupational therapists and physical therapists in Clay County are on a separate pay scale than speech therapist.  The speech therapists are on the teachers’ pay scale.  The other therapists on the separate scale make about $25,000 per year more than speech therapists.  A speech therapist currently working IN Clay County Schools makes 70,000 a year working for a private contracting company.  That means that the district is paying private speech therapists more than they would have to if they just paid their current speech therapists on the therapist salary scale. 
The reason for the speech shortage isn’t because of “leapfrogging” but rather because Clay is lacking vision, coherence, competence, and community in its upper organization. 

6    6.      The impasse led to the district absorbing the magistrate’s fees for composing this report that the superintendent has rejected.  The school board will likely vote to reject it.  The teachers will likely refuse to ratify the school board’s rejections.  That takes us back to square one, negotiating a contract for the 15-16 school year, one that is essentially already over.  Hundreds, if not thousands of man hours wasted.  This translates to dollars because time equals money, right?    So, essentially, this year ends with absolutely no progress between management and labor at a significant cost.  Therefore, it will be the 16-17 school year before negotiations pick up steam again and at that point it will be EIGHT, 8, years without any pay increase.  Not a raise, just a pay increase.  No cost of living, contracted step increase, nothing…nada.  Just an ever increasing inflation and cost of health insurance…adjusted for real dollars, the people doing the work in the schools of Clay have absorbed a net loss over the past decade of work while new positions and raises have been given to those in the ivory tower.  It’s unjust at best.  It’s indescribably profane for sure. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Best Worst Thing Ever

**Thanks to Dangerous Minds for the inspiration***


Wally World -  Here is a band where creativity comes only second to working menial day jobs and sitting on battered couches in low rent apartments while watching public access music shows. 

I hate to begin by mocking anyone's personal appearance but the extreme close ups of the singer's aged face only serves to remind me there hasn't been a decent version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre since part II with Dennis Hopper.  The black mascara around Wally's eyes accentuates the sags of weather-aged-face and is far more terrifying than Leatherface's meat-hook. Actually, Wally's face may have spent some time on a meat-hook. 

Wally begins the video without a shirt.  This seemed to be a bad choice.  Until seconds later when they're ocean front and he's got a shirt.  It seems that the shirt must have been tailored from the upholstery of someone's great-grandmother's couch.  I imagine that the mothball scent is irremovable as well, even in the blustery ocean wind.

The song begins with a generic rock riff that everyone from Circus of Power, Guns N' Roses, Faster Pussycat, and LA Guns has recycled and re-purposed....a quarter of a century ago.  Wally gives it the old college try when he gives a Halford-esque scream but if they actually had given the old college try the guitarist in the top hat could buy a pair of better fitting jeans from somewhere other than Goodwill. Without being saddled with student loan debt, he got the sleeveless denim jacket as an accent piece to his tarpaulin jeans as well as a top hat.  Money well-spent.  Money in the bank.  You have to spend money to make money.  

Soon after Wally's  killer scream of dead dreams and aspirations, there is a tight zoom on the kick drum bearing the Wally World band logo.  It seems that it was designed with cost in mind.  Free is always the most thrifty path and there is also the added bonus of keeping your 3 year old nephew busy while babysitting for your brother and wife while they enjoy some well-deserved time out together after a long week at work and raising children.  There's nothing quite like an unsupervised art project while uncle Wally is passed out on the couch after drinking a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 and a six pack of Schlitz along with gobbling a handful Nana's Oxys that he found in the couch.   The best part is that when he comes to, he's got the logo hand drawn by family on the kick drum.  Nothing tops family ties and sentimentality. 

The mini boom box is visible in the shoot.  Obviously they have to mime along with a prerecorded version of this totally rockin' tune but the big question is how can that little thing be loud enough to hear over the surf?  The second largest looming inquiry is where did they get the money for that thing?  It had to be somewhere upwards of thirty seven bucks.

At the 26 second mark there appears to be random woman walking directly toward the camera.  She soon after disappears never to be seen again.  I'm sure the human traffickers put her back into the shipping container she lives in to await the next music video gig on her way to stardom.  Stay tuned for her on the 20never installment of video vixens.  Or the episode of CSI Encinitas based upon the real story of the dead hookers found in the shipping container.  The only evidence found in that episode was a shirt seemingly made from grandma's old couch.  This case goes unsolved. But the detectives cannot shake the smell of mothballs. 

There's a girl dancing stage (beach) left in heels, a bikini, and a trench coat.  Let's assume she missed the weather report that day and wanted to cover all her bases.  She's moving to the beat with a Rufenal  influenced tango. 

Around 1:09 guitarist number one, the top-hatted fella, slides into the frame and then almost immediately back out before Wally very kindly points him back in.  Fortunately, Wally, as the stage-seasoned veteran he is, still manages to maintain focus and get an abrupt karate-chop in to mix up the stage presence a bit before resuming his more natural excessive pointing.

Wally's really bringing it in this clip and around 1:40 he manages to take a quick rejuvenating break by leaning on his bass player.  Like Dionne Warwick said, "that's what friends are for." 

Since one can not simply bring the rock all the time, there is a mellow bridge that begins at 1:48.  The riff may have originally belonged to Ugly Kid Joe's "Everything About You" but after seeing Wally's karate chop, I don't think the UKJ crew is going to make any noise.

Then, in a sudden turn of events, a woman is so paralyzed from the sheer awesomeness on display on the beaches of Encinitas that day that she cannot turn her gaze from her iphone as she passes in fear of passing out or pissing herself just like girls used to do when The Beatles and Stones played.

The dancing bikini trench coat girl who had just been trafficked in from the GOP national convention walks directly in from the ocean, takes off her shades just before teleporting stage right.  The plot to this, as the kids these days say, just got real.

Just when  you're about to begin sobbing tears of blood during the emotional interlude, Wally brings forth another metal scream straight from the bowels of the Encinita sewer system and then the song builds and builds until the final crescendo....there's a double fist pump and a third metal scream (because evil thrives in threes) before the final "ho!"  Wally assertively turns and walks toward the primal seas from which forth man once was spewed while the rest of the band is dazed, awed, and shocked with an uncertainty of inaction looming over them, freezing them in their places.  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

An Explanation of the KISS reviews

The KISS reviews that were posted earlier on this blog were the result of a back and forth between myself and a few old college buddies.  Most of us maintained that KISS is a band that is given far too much credit by the fans and really have little business being in the hall of fame.   One of my pals insisted that I give their 70s catalog a listen and see if my opinion changes.  So I took him up on the offer, listening to every KISS studio album released in the 1970s in less than 12 hours.

Two conclusions can be drawn from this:
1.  I should as an adult have more pressing things to do with my time, but sadly I don't. 
2.  KISS wrote some terribly atrocious music that never should've seen the light of day.  The fact that some of the songs on those 70s albums made it out onto store shelves is intriguing in that they had to get approved by the guys in the band, then the producer, the label execs, and so on and so forth.  The number of people involved makes it astonishing that these things got through.  These songs also explain why it took so long for KISS to break big....they needed the time to come up with enough good songs to play live and re-release as greatest hits/live albums.

Please don't look to the reviews below for any intrinsic linguistic worth...you will find none.  This was a project full of sincerity and an intense focus on listening.  The responses were mostly composed on my notepad contained on my Iphone while walking and working out.  They were nothing more than evidence that I truly listened to each song on each release before drawing conclusions.

Ultimately I would have to say, in spite of Eddie Trunk's frequent insistence on his radio show and That Metal Show, that KISS don't belong in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  They did some cool stuff but the excellence is only a fraction of what they've created.  They were ripoff artists who stole from Alice Cooper and The NY Dolls.  The only reason they had so much influence was because they were more media savvy and television friendly than those other acts. But as I type and try to build the case about the Hall of Fame I realize that the Rock N' Roll HOF has much lower standards than the original HOF.  To make the Baseball Hall of Fame you have to show that you have longevity in your excellence and your excellence must exceed that of your peers in the time you were competing.  The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame seems far less exacting in their criteria and seem to go on popular opinion and even a single good album can get you in (ie. Guns N' Roses).  A single good season does not get a player into the Baseball HOF.

The bottom line is that KISS is not as good as you remember them.  Most people think of the hits...listen to the deep cuts and you will find a band that is very, very suspect and isn't worthy of very much respect. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

KISS - Love Gun

1.  I Stole Your Love -  I had never previously heard this and it's the first one in the catalog that i hadn't heard and actually liked. Most bands have deep cuts that are better than the hits.  Kiss is not one of those bands.  Great song .  A+

2. Christine Sixteen -  pedophile rock.  Gene's voice over is even creepier.  Ok song..."she's been around but she's young and clean."  What the fuck is going on here?  The best thing this song has going for it is the weird factor.  C+

3.  Got Love for Sale -  cool guitars and great bass sound.  Crappy vocals and crappy chorus but at this point in the catalog you have to expect that.  I should've figured that out to be their signature much earlier.  I do like the clean guitars on this.  C

4.  Shock Me -  Ace should've sung more in this band.  Good rocker but the tempo isn't right.  Another song ruined by the studio.  B

5.  tomrrow and tonight -  partridge family or the osmonds.  Another cool solo in the middle.  Ace is the strongest link in this band....Wait, this should be on a Meatloaf album.  At least he'd add sincerity and sweat.  F

6.  Love gun-  how does the same band write this and that last sonic abortion?  It would make sense if they were all heavy drug abusers but gene and paul are teetotalers.  maybe they should've partied more.   Paul's vocals are inspired and the bass just pummels.  drums stay steady and ace shreds again.  A+

7.  Hooligan -  good up until (insert adjective for bad/shit/crap/turd  here , I'm out of words and have reached my limit for dumping on something ) chorus.  Sounds like another outtake from a Black Oak Arkansas album...i'm starting to sound like a broken record and am wishing that someone wouldve done more to break Kiss albums before they hit the shelves.  D

8.  Almost Human - Starts out with some great guitars interplaying with bass and drums...kick ass vocals.  dirty rock.  cool harmonic/falsetto freaky chorus vocals.  this song is kick ass.  i had also missed this one before today and love it.  Sounds like early Judas Priest  at first.  A

9.  Plaster Caster -  better than most of their mundane shit but nothing special.  C+

10.  Then She Kissed Me -   if this were ironic it'd be sort of funny but the fact that it's indistinguishable from any of the other Jersey Boys type shit they've spurting forth throughout their careers lets you know they are dead serious....horrible.  D -

Overall:  C

Kiss - Destroyer

1.  Detroit Rock City -  Everything works.  Love the Bass line.  song has high energy.  the extended beginning and stupid sound effects need to go.  I want to hear music...if i wanted a story with sound effects i'd watch a movie.  Cool use of piano with this track.  Iron Maiden/Judas priest style dual leads.  A+

2.  King of the Night Time world -  starts off like it's going to be good but it sucks.  I'm starting to feel like Charlie Brown kicking the football...I think the songs are going to be good and then Kiss ruins them with shitty choruses and poor songwriting.  Kiss is the Lucy of rock n' roll.  Stop fucking with us you bastards.  Like the two face girlfriend in Seinfeld...sometimes she looks pretty and then the light changes...you want her to be pretty but then you see her from a different angle and ugh, limp.  D-

3.  God of thunder -  Great drudging riff....should be heavier, more distortion, more bass, down tuned...something other than Gene's ugly delivery to give it actual thunder.  Dump the stupid sound effects.  Just because Kiss starting learning their way around the studio after 5 albums doesn't mean they need to play around...B  (easily could've been an A+)

4.  Great Expectations -  I would rather eat an uncooked goat cock than to have to listen to that again.  F

5.  Flaming Youth -  another showtune. Something's flaming...but it's not this song.  F

6.  Sweet Pain -  verse is ok.  Chorus needs more help than Stephen Hawking with walking.  Some cool interplay between the bass and guitars. ...but that's the only thing saving this from another F.  D

7.  Shout it out loud-  I know it's a hit but it's shit.  Repetitive.  Coolest part is the use of the piano (might be the bass strings).  C

8.  Beth - again, peter's voice is solid.  the flutes and shit have got to go.  Just throw in a few sparse strings with the piano.  sound like the sound track to a touching family drama from the 70s.  Far over produced.  C

9.  do you love me-  more shtick.  crap.  simple.  dull.  D

10.  Rock and Roll Party - what the fuck?  If i was in a record store in 1978 i'd be all like wow, 10 new songs from kiss let me buy this but then i'd get home and hear it and get to the last song hoping for some redemption after suffering through the last 5 songs and then i'd be all like wow...i'm disappointed.  I would like to interview these tool bags to see what the exact intent and artistic vision was on this jizzbomb.   this doesn't even get a letter...totally undeserving of any label.  If this was a face it would be rocky dennis.  if this were a president it would be gw bush.  if this were a piece of candy it would be necco wafers. 

Overall grade : D

Kiss - Rock and Roll Over

1. I Want  You - great ballady opening.  Soft and then boom...it blows up and fires on all cylinders.  A+

2.  Take Me -  cool rock and roll riffing.  Bass sounds good.  Uptempo rocker.  B

3.  Calling Dr. Love -  great classic simple riff.  Cool cowbell.  This song simply rocks.  Cool falsetto chorus singing.  the dual guitars on this one make it a solid addition to any rock playlist.  A+

4.  Ladies room -  should've been an instrumental.  lyrics and vocals are terrible.  C-

5.  Baby Driver- dated  70s rock but not totally lost.  At least it moves and once again Ace saves the day.  B-

6.  Love 'em and Leave 'em -  nothing here that hasn't been somewhere on the previous albums.  Only Ace's playing is interesting.  Cool phaser sound effect.  Ace does some cool stuff with his switches too.....but the song sucks.  D

7.  Mr. Speed -  Jim Dandy and Black Oak Arkansas weren't this cheesy.  F

8.  See you in your Dreams -  shit. Utter and total shit.  another flat boring chorus. My turds splashing in the toilet are more musical.  F (only because there is no lower letter grade).

9.  Hard Luck Woman -  good vocal by Peter.  cool tune but only slightly above average and really only stands out because the last 3 songs make you wish you were a suicide bomber.  B-

10.  Making love-  starts out with great riffing.  Song blazes.  Some shit parts but the uptempo pace and energy win out.  B

Overall :  C

Kiss - Dressed to Kill

1. Room Service -  hokey and show-tunish.  Dated.  horribly simplistic.  F

2.  Two Timer-  better but not good.  good solo.  another super simple and dull chorus.  C-

3.  Ladies in Waiting-  the album is still improving but the chorus it complete and utter garbage.  C+

4.  Getaway -  it's peppier than the other songs.  Cool interplay between the two guitars.  solid bassline.  Blazing solo.  Cowbell bonus!  B-

5.  Rock Bottom - great intro.  Everything works.  Good guitars, songwriting, and vocals.  A+

6.  C'mon and Love Me- the live version is much better.  Decent song but falls flat.  B-

7.  Anything for My Baby - another clunker.  same shit chorus again.  C-

8.  She - great sludge tune. Dark Vocals.  A

9.  Lover Her All I Can -  It grooves but it's dated and it sucks.  I can see Paul doing his flamboyant dances all over with this one.  This is the sound of his itty bitty rose tattoo.  The main riff is all right but the song sucks.  Some fun drums before the solo.  C-

10.  Rock and Roll All Night - Great anthem but again, the chorus sort of sucks.  The rest of the song moves and grooves. Cool funky bass.  Peter bangs pretty hard but song is underdeveloped and could've been better.  B

 Overall Grade :  C