Tuesday, March 25, 2014

KISS - Love Gun

1.  I Stole Your Love -  I had never previously heard this and it's the first one in the catalog that i hadn't heard and actually liked. Most bands have deep cuts that are better than the hits.  Kiss is not one of those bands.  Great song .  A+

2. Christine Sixteen -  pedophile rock.  Gene's voice over is even creepier.  Ok song..."she's been around but she's young and clean."  What the fuck is going on here?  The best thing this song has going for it is the weird factor.  C+

3.  Got Love for Sale -  cool guitars and great bass sound.  Crappy vocals and crappy chorus but at this point in the catalog you have to expect that.  I should've figured that out to be their signature much earlier.  I do like the clean guitars on this.  C

4.  Shock Me -  Ace should've sung more in this band.  Good rocker but the tempo isn't right.  Another song ruined by the studio.  B

5.  tomrrow and tonight -  partridge family or the osmonds.  Another cool solo in the middle.  Ace is the strongest link in this band....Wait, this should be on a Meatloaf album.  At least he'd add sincerity and sweat.  F

6.  Love gun-  how does the same band write this and that last sonic abortion?  It would make sense if they were all heavy drug abusers but gene and paul are teetotalers.  maybe they should've partied more.   Paul's vocals are inspired and the bass just pummels.  drums stay steady and ace shreds again.  A+

7.  Hooligan -  good up until (insert adjective for bad/shit/crap/turd  here , I'm out of words and have reached my limit for dumping on something ) chorus.  Sounds like another outtake from a Black Oak Arkansas album...i'm starting to sound like a broken record and am wishing that someone wouldve done more to break Kiss albums before they hit the shelves.  D

8.  Almost Human - Starts out with some great guitars interplaying with bass and drums...kick ass vocals.  dirty rock.  cool harmonic/falsetto freaky chorus vocals.  this song is kick ass.  i had also missed this one before today and love it.  Sounds like early Judas Priest  at first.  A

9.  Plaster Caster -  better than most of their mundane shit but nothing special.  C+

10.  Then She Kissed Me -   if this were ironic it'd be sort of funny but the fact that it's indistinguishable from any of the other Jersey Boys type shit they've spurting forth throughout their careers lets you know they are dead serious....horrible.  D -

Overall:  C

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